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How to find us

Stift Klosterneuburg
Stiftsplatz 1, 3400 Klosterneuburg

Travelling to the abbey by bus or train

Schnellbahn S40 train to Klosterneuburg/ Kierling or buses no. 400 or 402 from Wien-Heiligenstadt (U4 underground station) to Klosterneuburg-Stift. Short walk.

Travelling to the abbey by car

Via road B14 in approx. 10 minutes from the boundaries of Vienna.

Ample parking space for cars and free parking for buses in the underground parking garage of the abbey.

The underground parking garage (P1) is temporarily closed!
Please use the parking lot of the wine shop (P2) or the abbey restaurant (P3).


Barrier-free access, lockers, children’s playground, bicycle stands/boxes, e-bike charging station, underground parking garage, cafés and restaurant